Routine dental visits provide important protection for your teeth, gums, and oral structures. Whether you come in for a preventive visit or need more involved treatment, our Bryn Mawr, PA dental practice can provide support that keeps you happy with the state of your smile. While we take care to make your time in the dentist’s chair as pleasant as possible, we understand that some people are inclined to feel anxious about any kinds of care. Dental anxiety is a real issue, one that can make appointments a struggle. For those who regularly feel this, and for those worried about more a more involved procedure, nitrous oxide is available. We can provide this gas to safely keep you relaxed while still letting you remain conscious and responsive during treatment.
Extra Support For Patients With Dental Anxiety Is Available
Dental anxiety can complicate your relationship to your smile, as the feelings of unease you have can keep you away from treatment even when you have active concerns. Managing the discomfort can prove difficult; for some, the answer will be to avoid appointments at all costs. Our practice takes these feelings seriously, and we are happy to provide relief to make your time in the dentist’s chair more comfortable. We do this by offering nitrous oxide as well as by providing services that can help you remain comfortable with your smile and bite function after treatment.
What Nitrous Oxide Can Do For Your Well-Being
Nitrous oxide, sometimes referred to as “laughing gas,” is something we can provide for the duration of your appointment. The gas is administered nasally, and it can safely help you enjoy a sense of calm and relaxation at a time when you might have more difficulties with anxiety. This treatment helps you relax while allowing you to remain conscious, which means you can still respond during care and make the experience more comfortable. What you can also appreciate is that the effects wear off quickly, which means you can safely drive yourself home after your appointment.
Reasons To Make Regular Dental Visits A Priority
There are many reasons to keep up with your dental appointments. At each visit, you enjoy important feedback about the current state of your smile. This can mean helpful updates when there are concerns from your hygienist about tartar buildup, but it can also mean discovering that you need restorative dental work for a cavity. Having problems caught before they cause you to realize something is wrong can help you by limiting the harm to your smile and making any treatments you need more conservative.
Talk To Your Bryn Mawr, PA Dentist About Smile Care That Includes Nitrous Oxide Support
For more information on nitrous oxide and its role in making dental visits easier, call our Bryn Mawr, PA dental office at (610) 234-3881.